Sunday, November 4, 2012

Hitting the hills with a Harley

So we had quite an adventure yesterday....we rented a moped to go cruise around up in the mountains, see some waterfalls and visit a gorgeous (but super expensive coffee farm/resort).  So we spent 3 hours seeing the area...Derek drove the entire time except for the 5 min that I attempted.  We both agreed after that time that it would probably be in both of our best interests to let Derek do the driving!  Anyways, we made our way up to a beautiful lookout point that also happened to be a cafe and were busy with a piece of chocolate cake when the skies opened up and it started to pour.  Needless to say we were not going to venture out in that so we decided to wait.  After 30 min, however, we realized that if we didn't return the scooter on time we would be charged.  We're serious about our budget and there's no way we're wasting any what do we do?  Put on our rain jackets and head out; it had lightened up a bit by now.  Little did we know it was about to come back full force. So here we are driving down the mountain, in the pouring rain, on a moped that we didn't have that much faith in...and it's probably 60 degrees so we're getting a little cold.  Add in the ridiculous looks we got from passing cars and people taking shelter and it was a pretty comical situation.

The pictures/videos below are obviously from earlier in the day...before the storm.  Enjoy!


  1. Nice moped... What's a little rain??? The videos are really nice and the countryside looks very lush.
    I hope you have settled nicely in Costa Rica. Don't work too hard...

  2. I love the picture of the two of you on the scooter! How'd the costa ricans react to the election? How's the hostel?

  3. Beautiful scenery! I'm glad you survived the storm! Stay safe!


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